Useful Links

Here are some links that I think are useful!
This page will be a work in progress for a while but I’ll try to keep it orderly while it grows.

Google+ Forum for Delta Printers.!forum/deltabot
This is where I’ve picked up about 80% of everything I’ve learned so far about building techniques and design progression.  A lot of cool things to dig through here.

Steve Graber’s G+ Profile Page.
This is the profile for Steve Graber, the designer of the Cerberus printer that I chose to build.  As of now, he doesn’t have a dedicated site for his printer designs.  If he ever does get one I’ll be sure to link it here.’s Cerberus Bill of Materials (BOM).
This is my own BOM for my Cerberus build that catalogs all parts obtained for my project and where I sourced them.  As of writing this it’s still a work in progress but a majority of the needed elements are there.

XBOX 360 PSU to 12v lab PSU tutorial.
This is a simple walk through of what you need to know to use an XBOX 360 power adapter as a power supply for a printer.  While I’m using a slightly different method, this is still important to understand if you’ve never done anything like this before.

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